Edinburgh Fringe 2022

The iDiot
Death is Coming
Venue 3: Assembly George Square Gardens - Piccolo
Aug 4-14, 16-27, 20:55 / Tickets
July 30, 2022
An evening of original songs and existential banter from a dark cabaret band with funny hats. Songs full of horrid murders, guillotines, dark magicians, lonely princesses and drunken regrets are offered up by this theatrical four piece.
Hi guys, thank you for taking the time to talk with The New Current, how does it feel to be heading to Edinburgh Fringe and Assembly this year?
It’s exciting! The festival is 75, it’s our first time there, and the band will be together for the whole month- (we live in LA, Portugal and London)- there’s a lot to like.
Will there be any nerves ahead of the fringe?
There will be the odd moment of terror, I’m sure… We’re forcing our songs onto a room of strangers, you’d be mad not to question why you thought that was a good idea at some point.
What does it mean to you to be able to bring The iDiot Circus: Death is Coming to the festival?
It means a great deal to us- working on the music, investing the time, and then dealing with posters and flyers, aspect ratios and fonts- you wouldn’t bother if it didn’t bring something special to your life.
What has been the best comment you’ve gotten from one of your shows?
‘That was the best gig I’ve ever seen’- but that was from a friend of the band, and we’d just come off stage, so…
If you could use one word that best describe your show what would it be and why?
I won’t justify or explain it.
Any show/performer you’re looking forward to seeing at the Fringe?
Reuben Kaye- we were at Reuben’s very first gig, and now he’s a big old star, ‘I Hate New York’ by my friend Tom deTrinis, and of course my wife, Mel is performing her show ‘Hot Dogs & Tears’. A show about her upbringing in America’s south.

"Distill it, hone it and then do it, and you’ll find your audience and your people…"
Can you tell me how The iDiot Circus: Death is Coming came about, what was the inspiration behind this new show?
We wanted to have a bunch of songs that dealt with existential themes, but brought some wry humour along. Death is always a preoccupation, unirginalky, we are interested in the absurdity of some Human activity when you think of our temporary nature.
Have you always had a passion for cabaret?
Nick is the writer and he had always liked ‘alternative’ music, odd balls and flamboyant performers. James IS an oddball and flamboyant performer, so it’s a natural place for us. Matt, the bass player, on the other hand, must wonder what he got into.
Do you have any tips or advice for anyone wanting to get into cabaret?
Whatever we put is gonna sound like a bunch of pretentious tosh - but, seeing as you ask - if you wanna do cabaret, you obviously have something you wanna say or do that’s counter to what is popular or mainstream. Distill it, hone it and then do it, and you’ll find your audience and your people…Also, EDIT, nobody finds you as interesting as you find yourself.
And finally, what do you want your fringe audiences to take away from The iDiot Circus: Death is Coming?
That they’ve been thoroughly entertained and that the singer is handsome for his age.