Edinburgh Fringe 2022
Tom DeTrinis
I Hate New York
Assembly Rooms - Powder Room
Aug 4-16, 18-27, 18:20 / Tickets
July 20, 2022
I HATE NEW YORK is a gay-tastic solo debut from self-professed rage-a-holic, Tom DeTrinis, that offers up a non-stop, hilarious litany of grievances. DeTrinis unmasks his singular views on everything from NYC to his huge family to cheese and finally, to himself.
Hi Tom thank you for taking the time to talk with The New Current, how does it feel to be heading to Edinburgh Fringe and Assembly Festival this year?
Thank YOU! I cannot believe we are HERE!! Wowowowow! It is thrilling to return. I was there in 2019 and have been aching to return for 3 years. Can’t believe it is happening.
Will there be any nerves ahead of your fringe debut?
Oh. I am already having trouble sleeping. I wake up middle of the night and am already like WILL ANYONE COME?!?! WHAT HAVE I DONE?!?!?!
In 2020 Margaret Grey of the Los Angeles Times said “DeTrinis is a gifted, fearless, bawdy raconteur in the choleric model; I couldn’t wait for him to tell me why I should hate the place.” What did it mean to get this type of response?
It was SO SO SO kind of her to say. I use that quote all the time and to come from such a reputable source - what a treat. It really has helped me a lot in getting people interested in what I do. THANK YOU MARGARET!
What’s been the funniest comment you’ve gotten for your shows?
“Wow. I didn’t know you were so angry?!?!?!”
Are there any shows you’re looking forward to seeing during the fringe?
Hot Dogs and Tears by Melissa Stephens.
Lottie Plachett Took a Hachett
Idiot Circus
Jinkx Monsoon
Can you tell me how I Hate New York came about, what was the inspiration behind your new show?
It was July 2020, and I was doom scrolling on Insta while trying to drive up to the Redwood Forest for a little COVID safe trip and I was getting SO mad at the world and people and dummies and I just started to let it ALLLLL out. I had been building a list of life stories that my friend Melissa and Byron FORCED me to keep, and I just became overwhelmed and went for it. Over the past few years, I realised a lot of my anger and emotion comes from where I am from so that is really what the show is about.

"But the more I get to know myself, the more things I talk about and write about change."
Did you have any apprehensions about creating a show that is so self reflecting?
NOPE! No one really knows the true me, and after 30 something years of keeping it all in, I was like Fuck it. I have nothing to lose anymore. I have to just tell my story. I didn’t want my first show to be about me AT ALL. I usually hate that kind of stuff. But. That is what came out no matter how hard I tried to NOT do it.
How much do you think your show will evolve/change during your run?
I am ACTUALLY not sure! I want the audience and the response to guide me a bit in the room. I am curious how people will connect with it all. I don’t think I will change too much unless I am really starting to hate things I am saying?
Have you always had a passion for performing?
OHHHHHHH yeah. Since I was like 4 or 5 and I put coins on the bottom of my penny loafers and tap danced on the brick fireplace - NOT SAFE DO NOT RECOMMEND. But I feel most myself in a theatre. And I have always felt that way.
What has been the biggest changes to your comedy since you got into stand up?
Ya know, I am not a traditional stand up comic. I am more of a comedic actor who likes to story tell? THAT IS THE MOST OBNOXIOUS THING I HAVE EVER SAID CANCEL ME NOW PLEASE. But the more I get to know myself, the more things I talk about and write about change. THERAPY IS MY GREATEST TEACHER. Again, I am truly the worst.
And finally, what do you want your fringe audiences to take away from I Hate New York?
Hmmm, well, I hope they love d*ck talk as much as I do, cause I would love to chat more about all of that after the show. And, I hope they also consider what they are holding in and why, and if it would be wise to let it out GIRL!