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Maggie Winters1 - credit Ashleigh Dye.jpeg



JUL 31, AUG 1-11, 13-25: TICKETS

Image: Ashleigh Dye

JUNE 28, 2024 

Directed by her Southside-Irish blood relatives, Bart and Liam Winters, Maggie Winters' solo show Marguerite will explore her life, her laugh and her love! Throughout this hour-long journey, Maggie will tackle difficult subjects like depression and body image, while also ranting about Subway meatballs and her four-year abstinence from drinking water (all while tying this in with her deep-rooted Chicago heritage)! ​

Hi Maggie, thank you for talking with The New Current ahead of EdFringe, are you excited to be heading to the Fringe?

Of course! Thank YOU. I am beyond excited for Fringe. I googled Haggis the second I got told I was in.

What makes EdFringe so special?

It’s not only my first time performing at the Fringe but my first time even at the Fringe. It’s something I’ve heard so much about and to get to go and be apart of it feels so magical. And its all happening in Scotland? Im the luckiest girl in the world!

Will there be any nerves ahead of your run?

Absolutely but will not let them get the best of me (we hope).

Can you tell me a little bit about Marguerite, how did this show come about?

Marguerite is a show about Marguerite is my full name after my Dad’s mother. It’s moments and thoughts about my midwestern Chicago upbringing. The idea came to me when I was falling asleep actually. I wanted to do something solo to showcase my 34 years of life thus far.

Has it been cathartic for you to use theatre/comedy to explore your life?

Big time! I think in the day to day I can get caught up in these feelings of “am I doing enough/ have I done enough?” and doing this show made me take a look at my own life and realise all the cool but also stupid things I’ve done.

And what has the experience been for you working with Bart and Liam Winters, has the familial connection helped bring out more of the story you want to tell?

Absolutely! Bart and Liam are my two older brothers and we are very close. It was nice to work with people who really know me and weren’t afraid to tell me when things needed to shift in the show.

Because Marguerite is based on your life how flexible are you able to allow yourself with your material?

I wanted to be as open as possible without having to tell every secret I’ve ever had if that makes sense.


If you could describe Maggie Winters in one sentence what would it be?

Chicago fried comedian with a deep love for crab rangoons and sleeping.

Do you have any traditions or superstitions before heading out on stage and once a show is over how do you unwind?

My friend and fellow comedian Eunji Kim and I talk about the importance of a pre show diet coke! A little caffeine to get ya going.


"...I fell into the trap of trying to be other people but when you realise you gotta be your full authentic


What’s been your fondest memory of being on stage?

I think the days when I was just starting out. Doing improv for 4 people in the audience on a Tuesday night. No stakes but having the best time and just trying to make each other laugh.

Have you always had a passion for comedy?

Yes! When I realized I could get a laugh I was addicted to it.

What has the experience been for you opening for Colin Jost and Meg Stalter?

Oh an absolute dream! Both true angels. Unfortunately I can only think about how bad I was sweating before each of those shows.

If you could host a dinner party for 9 comedians, living or dead, who would you invite?


Oh god this is hard. Here's my answer right now though:

John Early, Melissa McCarthy, Adam Sandler, Tina Fey, Amy Poehler, Patti Harrison, Chris Farley, Maya Rudoplh, Danny McBride.

Since you started out in comedy what have been the most important things you’ve discovered about yourself and the type of comedy/performer you want to be?

When I first started comedy I fell into the trap of trying to be other people but when you realise you gotta be your full authentic self and follow your own ideas, thats where the magic happens.

What’s been the best advice you’ve been given and is there any advice you offer anyone wanting to get into comedy?

Ya gotta do the thing. You can talk about doing it forever but it doesn’t mean anything until you actually do it.

And finally, what would you hope Fringe audiences will take away from Marguerite?

The desire to visit Chicago!

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